Transportation information: The best way to reach us is by car (A40 exit 11 - Eloise/Frangy/Seyssel). For a map see our contact page. The GPS coordinates are 46º02'06"N, 5º54'01"E. We will send you driving instructions upon request. The nearest airport is Geneva International Airport (45 km), and the nearest train station (TGV/TER) is in Bellegarde-sur-Valserine (15 km). There also is a bus service that goes several times a day from Frangy (5 km) to Annecy and Bellegarde.

In nearby Frangy, you will find banking facilities, shops (butcher, baker, newsagent and more), supermarkets (Carrefour-Contact and "U"), a pharmacy, a doctors' surgery, a tourist office, and several restaurants including take-aways.

For food shopping, there are a number of local shops that we can recommend:

the Carrefour-Contact in Frangy; the Boucherie Patrick in the Supermarché Utile in Frangy; Savoie-Vollailles (vegetables, fruit, cheese counter, butcher) in Chêne-en-Semine; and Les Delices du Jardin (vegetables, fruit, cheese counter, butcher) in the Zone Artisanale des Bonnets Musièges just outside of Frangy.

Local restaurants include the Italian Restaurant Le Fournil in Mons (2 km from Chessenaz),  the Auberge Cave de la Ferme in Frangy (5 km), Restaurant Fructus in Clarafond (4,5 km),  and the Auberge of the Chateau de Clermont (12 km).

The open-air swimming pool in Chêne-en-Semine is open for visitors during the summer months.

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